Nichols Arboretum

Functional Uses
Located across the street from the Oxford Housing complex and bounded by Geddes Avenue to the south, the Huron River to the north, Forest Hill Cemetery and the Medical Center Campus to the west, and private, residential neighborhoods to the east, the 123-acre Nichols Arboretum (the Arb) is operated by the university as part of Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum (MBGNA) on both university and city-owned land.
Landscape and Public Realm
Located on steep glacial topography descending toward the Huron River, the Arb includes a combination of diverse ecosystems and natural attractions, including specialty gardens, thematic areas, dispersed collections, culturally significant landscapes, natural areas, and active zones dedicated to ecosystem restoration. Connections with the Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation facilities and pathways along the Huron River make the Arb a popular destination for the campus and broader communities. Altogether, the Arb’s many resources contribute to life-changing education under the broader programmatic oversight and management of MBGNA and in tandem with the large recreational and research facilities at Matthaei Botanical Gardens by offering opportunities for research; further contribute to the health and well-being of the population through the advancement of environmental justice via access to the natural environment and fitness. Arts programming such as Shakespeare in the Arb is also integrated into the functional use of the Arboretum, further supporting the arts as well as health and well-being.
Development Opportunities
No development zones are proposed at the Nichols Arboretum.
Mobility and Connectivity
The recommendations of Campus Plan 2050 align with those of MBGNA’s Master Plan, including enhancements to pedestrian and bicycle pathways. Specific improvements include a new railway underpass connecting the Nichols Drive pathway along the edge of the Huron River with the city’s Gallup Park pathway (part of the Washtenaw County “Border-to-Border Trail”), and a pedestrian and bike bridge over the Arboretum and Huron River from East Medical Center Drive in the Medical Center Campus. The intent is to link the adjacent Medical Center Campus with the proposed passive recreation space envisioned on Mitchell Field and to the Huron River access point amenity near Fuller Road. In addition, the possible ATS guideway spans the railroad and Huron River, connecting the Medical Center and North Campuses. Refer to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum Strategic Plan for additional details. No specific alignment for possible ATS has been confirmed.
Sustainability and Infrastructure
Continued emphasis on environmental stewardship is celebrated in this plan by respecting and reinforcing the mission of MBGNA and by various linkages proposed that increase access of this valuable resource to campus and the community