East Medical Campus encompasses approximately 200 acres of land dedicated to expanding the patient care for Michigan Medicine.
Located in Ann Arbor Township east of US-23 and south of M-14 at the intersection of Plymouth and Earhart Road, East Medical Campus is convenient to the Ann Arbor and regional patient base of Michigan Medicine. The surrounding context is characterized by residential development to the east and the commercial activities of Plymouth Road to the west and Ann Arbor Technology Park, and Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Recreation Sports Rope Course, and Radrick Golf Course to the south and southeast. The recommendations for East Medical Campus create an environment and context that support the ideal patient care experience.
The East Medical Campus includes three existing facilities: the Rachel Upjohn Building, the East Ann Arbor Health and Geriatric Center, and the East Ann Arbor Ambulatory Surgery Center. Located along Kiefer Road, the existing facilities accommodate a number of outpatient services. The site is definedby extensive, high-quality wooded areas and the Fleming Creek corridor, which runs in a southwesterly direction through the site. In combination, the woods and creek establish a naturalistic character to the site, which supports human health and well-being, and are an important ecosystem within the Huron River Watershed.
Buildings on the East Medical Campus are 30 years old or less. No major renovations are proposed in the near term other than potential energy efficiency upgrades or interior medical equipment upgrades.
Example recommendations for the East Medical Campus support the Vision 2034 impact areas as follows:
Life-Changing Education
- Proposed BRT services will make the East Medical Campus more accessible to clinicians, students, and researchers engaged in internship, research, and outreach activities.
Human Health and Well-Being
- Trails and seating areas along Fleming Creek provide access to nature and a place of respite for patients, visitors, and employees.
Democracy, Civic and Global Engagement
- East Medical Campus is planned to make healthcare and the services of Michigan Medicine accessible to a diverse population.
- The outpatient and potentially future inpatient services and associated facilities provide opportunities for research, scholarship, and discovery collaboration in a clinical setting.
Climate Action, Sustainability and Environmental Justice
- Energy efficiency upgrades are proposed to existing buildings. » Geo-exchange bores under existing and future parking areas are recommended to support current and long-term needs.
- Substantial solar PV installations over existing and future parking as well as on future buildings, are envisioned as well as solar panels along Plymouth Road relocated from the North Campus Research Complex area as they are displaced by other development.
- New stormwater management facilities integrated to meet current and future needs are encouraged as part of U-M’s ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship.
Collaboration and Connectivity
- New BRT services are proposed connecting East Medical Campus to other campuses via Plymouth Road.
- A new parking structure supporting both the clinical facilities, as well as offering a remote commuter parking option linked to other campuses via proposed BRT is recommended to use existing land most efficiently.
- Outpatient and inpatient services at East Medical Campus will be explored as part of this plan making Michigan Medicine’s clinical services accessible and convenient to the broader community.