Hotel and Conference Center
Last Updated September 30, 2024
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Last Updated September 30, 2024
The Campus Connector is a concept currently being explored by the university to provide efficient high-capacity transit between the central, medical and north campuses in Ann Arbor. The concept would feature two major components: (1) a high-capacity bus rapid transit (BRT) system; and (2) an automated transit system (ATS) using electric passenger cars with rubber tires for noise reduction running along an elevated guideway.
Discussions about a Connector have a long history dating back to 2010 when the concept was first developed between the university and the City of Ann Arbor. Work to refine the possibilities has taken place gradually over the years and resulted in a long-range multi-year effort. Yet, a great deal of work and engagement lies ahead to determine transit routes, select equipment, receive approvals and complete construction.
What’s the timeline for designing and launching the Campus Connector’s automated transit system?
The university is still very early in its exploration. If the project moves forward, it will be years in the making. The transit route will not be determined until 2025. Completion would likely take an additional five years or more.
When did this concept begin?
U-M has been exploring a Connector concept for more than a decade, in collaboration with the city of Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority, the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, and various members of the local community. Feasibility studies began at that time.
Will there be more community engagement before the ATS route is finalized?
Yes, as the university explores the Campus Connector, it will continue to work with and learn from both the university and local community, including students, faculty, staff, community residents, city administrators, elected officials, university alumni and others.
What are the goals of the connector?
Last Updated September 30, 2024